__ Check the detailed programme __ 4 keynote, 16 invited, and 7 selected speakers + 3 invited editors confirmed __ Become a partner of #CRSy24 __ Champalimaud Research Symposium 

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Andreas Moor, MD, PhD

Principal Investigator
ETH Zürich, Basel

Switzerland, CH

Andreas trained in medicine and received his medical license from the University of Bern, Switzerland. In 2010 he obtained an MD in medical oncology from the University of Bern and in 2014 a PhD in molecular cancer research from EPFL. After a postdoctoral fellowship in the Itzkovitz lab at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, he joined the University of Zurich as SNSF Eccellenza Professor and founded the Moor lab at the beginning of 2019. In June 2020 the lab moved to the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) at ETH Zurich and Andreas was appointed as tenure-track assistant professor of Systems Physiology.

︎ Learn more about the speaker here