__ Check the detailed programme __ 4 keynote, 16 invited, and 7 selected speakers + 3 invited editors confirmed __ Become a partner of #CRSy24 __ Champalimaud Research Symposium 

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José Guimarães

PhD candidate
Faculty of Medicine – University of Porto

Porto, PT

José has completed his bachelor’s (2020) and master’s degree (2022) inBiochemistry at the Faculty of Sciences and the School of Medicine and BiomedicalSciences (ICBAS)-University of Porto. Currently, he is enrolled in the Biomedicinedoctoral programme at the Faculty of Medicine-University of Porto. He integrates theIntercellular Communication and Cancer research group at i3S, where he isdeveloping his PhD project entitled “Acquisition of resistance to targeted therapiesin cancer- mechanistic basis and suppressive strategies”, under the supervision ofProf. Dr. José Carlos Machado. The project delves into the relevance of cellularcommunication in the context of cancer development, aiming to provide a betterunderstating of the mechanisms responsible for conferring resistance to targetedtherapies in Non-Small Cell Lung cancer and develop strategies to overcometherapy resistance.